Post Click Optimisation

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Connect the Dots From First Click to Conversion & Beyond


Higher Conversion Rates

AB Testing

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Case Studies

Working with a Premier Google Partner has been refreshing. The company has an agile, hands-on approach always looking to align their strategies with customer thinking. This has helped scale budgets up, tap into unchartered markets and resulted in greater profit from our investment into paid advertising.

Phoebe Yu | CEO

We couldn’t be happier with choosing SearchMax as our digital marketing agency partner for our Google and Social ads for MCIE. Their expertise in the education sector has resulted in generating high-quality leads. They’ve become a fundamental part of our team and understand exactly what we want to achieve!

Amy Kauler | Brand & Marketing Manager

SearchMax is a results-driven Digital Marketing Agency – eager to take on any challenge that presents itself. I consider them business partners, and their transparent, honest approach helps us to make better business decisions in the digital marketing space.

Monica Wallace | Marketing Manager


Post-click optimisation is the process that ensures that potential customers who click on your ad are directed to a landing page that matches the message of the ad, enhancing the likelihood of the click resulting in conversions. Our skilled team are able to create, optimise and personalise the post-click landing page to motivate users to interact with your brand.

A post-click landing page is a standalone page separate from your website that is optimised to encourage visitors to perform a desired action, whether it be purchasing a product or enquiring about a service. The post-click landing page acts as an extension of the ad that has been clicked on, letting the visitor know that they have landed on the right page and that any further actions they wish to take are only a simple click away. When optimised successfully, post-click landing pages can effectively work in your favour to generate leads and sales.

When it comes to increasing conversions, a post-click optimised landing is always going to deliver more than your standard web page. This is due to linking your marketing campaign ads to a targeted landing page that directs potential customers to exactly where they want to go. This approach increases the chances of visitors to the landing page fulfilling your conversion goal instead of leaving the page due to potential confusion from multiple messages. Keeping your post-click optimised landing pages personalised and to the point is the best way to see a higher ROI.

Conducting A/B testing on your landing pages allows you to gather all kinds of data that can be used to better optimise your pages. Performance metrics, unique visitors, unique conversions, and conversion rate can all be tracked through A/B testing. To get the most out of A/B testing, decide on what elements you want to test on your landing pages and use this knowledge to your advantage to optimise your page layout and increase conversions. 

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